Because they are dumb.
Because I also don’t own a “hang in there” kitten poster. even in an ironic way
Puppies, Flowers, Rainbows and Kittens
Sarcasm and vitriol wrapped in a twee bow.
On a kick of moving the posts from the old PFRK blog to here. Filling in the history a bit. Unfortunately, it is a manual process, ’cause I was using one of the world’s most obscure pieces of blogging software. So, there is still a long way to go. Some of the categories are fully populated: Culture, Good and Bad Eating, Music, but now I’m switching to dates, and I’m still filling in November of 2004 and I’m getting bored.
Add Links for, Digg, and More to Blog Posts at ExplodingBoy
I was looking for how to do this simply for WP, and here it was!
Creating a Basic Print Stylesheet at ExplodingBoy
I haven’t done this yet, I have to see the interaction with my blog pages, but I will when I get a chance.
LightboxJS V2.0
A useful script for showing images on top of your pages, now with fancy shmancy effects.
ThickBox on
this is similar to LightBox functionality-wise, but adds a lot of support for non-image types. It’s based on the jquery javascript library which looks like it might be cool.
Alternative Style: Working With Alternate Style Sheets at AListApart
Nice article on switching stylesheets at runtime.
The Trackback List plugin and Making comments stand out on Tamba2: I was interested in figuring out how to show trackbacks separately and these two articles were very instructive.
a message from Amazon about items in my shopping cart:
Please note that the price of The High Price of Materialism has increased from $10.85 to $11.32 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages.
Please note that the price of The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don’t Need has increased from $10.40 to $10.79 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages.
Please note that the price of Born to Buy: The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture has increased from $10.20 to $10.65 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages.
I used iBlog for so long because I wanted total control over my content, and I wanted to own the database. I was hesitant to give over my blog to a site like blogger or whatever, because my words are my own, ya know? Also, I wanted to be able to move my blog wherever I felt like it. iBlog is a client side app and generates web pages that get ftp’d up to your server. It works great if you are always blogging from the same machine and you want to mess with your pages later. Of course it is a very web 1.0 way of doing things. When I switched to dreamhost, I added WP and now I’m supa-happy. I’m still messing with my templates and will be for a while, so if you are reading this, expect some evolving visual weirdness…
Once I figure out how to migrate content from iBlog into Word Press, I’ll begin moving the older content here. Until then, you can get to it at:
It is nearly impossible to pick a web hosting company these days
So, I’ve been an interland customer for about 6 years now. was originally hosted on various sites run by friends of mine. Each of these servers had somewhat dubious connections to the internet, but they were free when it was really expensive to host a website. Finally, after went down for over a week when my friend’s DSL connection was down while he was on vacation, I moved the site over to interland who I found through an ad in the back of wired or something. At that time there were only a handful of hosting companies on the net. Now there are a zillion of them and they are all offering similar plans and similar claims. If you look at 10 host-review sites you will find 10 different recommendations. I’m now paying an insane amount on interland for a ridiculously small amount of disk space (but unlimited bandwidth). The host review sites are obviously not to be trusted. I’m pretty sure that hosting companies set these up just to make themselves #1. I know I would if I was in their shoes. The cool thing is that the hosting plans are cheap enough that I can probably just try out one or two to see how they are before I sign up for a year or so. The other cool thing is that most of these sites seem to make that simple (any site that requires a 6 month sign up isn’t to be trusted). I’ll leave unitcircle on interland for now and move one of my other domains to a new site and see how that works… As I go, I’ll post here what I think.
A bigger question to me is around if I should switch from a windows host to a linux (or even a mac) one. The only server-side scripting of any kind I’ve learned to do is ASP in visual basic, but I’ve done a LOT of C# development so doesn’t scare me. The problem is that, at home, I’ve gotten rid of all my PCs and am just using macs now. I do know Java, but I haven’t done any JSP stuff and I’m not sure if I want to bother. I haven’t done any PHP, so I’d have to learn that from scratch. Currently I use asp only in on the unitcircle catalog pages, but I’ll need something like that for the on-line store.