The next generation of macintoshes

will run on light and daydreams. They will be omnipotent and will catapult Apple into the stratosphere as most profitable company… EVER. Steve Jobs will be canonized by the Catholic Church and all wars and famine will end so that all people can bask in the radiant glow of their Apple devices.

I mean, I’m a mac fanboy, but I think that the folks at UBS are smoking the crack. Will we see a touch screen mac? Yeah probably. Maybe an iPod first, then laptop screens and then maybe monitors as the price to produce the stuff comes down, but the Mega-Platform? C’mon.

Apple’s multi-touch technology seen spawning “mega-platform” [Apple Insider]

Live from Macworld 2007: Steve Jobs keynote – Engadget

Live from Macworld 2007: Steve Jobs keynote – Engadget

Engadget always has my favorite Apple keynote coverage.

So, Apple TV has a hard drive. Ok, cool. $299, decent

So the iPhone is official! widescreen, touchscreen, 4 or 8GB of RAM, runs OS X, lives on Cingular. Do I want one? Absolutely. At $499 will I buy one? extremely doubtful

Where is the new iPod and new iLife? Where is the One more thing? Don’t hold out on us now!

Oh, so much to love about January

CES, Mac Expo and NAMM. A tech and gear geek’s favorite month of the year!

Belkin iPod mixer thing
Guess what? I’m not going to any of them (got some big deadlines coming up), but I am following all the action, ya know, remotely.

So here’s what I’ve found so far:

Why we won’t see an Apple Tablet next week

What Jobs told me on the iPhone | Technology | Guardian Unlimited Technology

David Sobotta writes a blog
that is about as close to mini-MSFT for apple that I’ve seen. He doesn’t dish the dirt the way that Mini does, but he does shed light into the murky corridors of power on the infinite loop. Of course, I know from my Apple buddies that it is crazier there than you could possibly know, especially around secrecy. I think that secrecy is probably the reason why we don’t see a mini-APPL. No one who works there has any idea about what is going on…

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Regarding our iPhone

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Regarding our iPhone

This is a quite funny sendup of the Apple product design process, except for the part where different parts of Apple actually talk to each other. When the different actual product groups meet, they probably have to be on different sides of an opaque screen with voice modulators going or something…

Apple Keynote Safety Dates

[via gizmodo]

If there is one rule for mac die-hards, it is do not buy any apple product in December or July. The reason why is simple: Apple makes big product announcements in August (at WWDC) and in January (at MacWorld). There are sometimes smaller announcements sprinkled throughout the year, but you gotta buy that new mac sometime, right? Gizmodo has created a nice calendar for those of you who can’t wait this year. The important dates: December 26th (you can still return and pay a 10% restocking fee) and December 30th (you can get the price difference without a fee if the price drops).

Sources confirm plans for a smaller, ultra-thin form factored MacBook Pro | MacScoop

Sources confirm plans for a smaller, ultra-thin form factored MacBook Pro | MacScoop

I am writing this from a 12″ PowerBook, which I dearly love. I find myself drifting more to my 17″ MBP these days, but mostly ’cause I use it for work, and that screen real estate does come in handy for coding. For sitting around surfing or reading the e-mail or doing anything on a plane, you can’t beat that sub-notebook size. I was bummed that Apple hadn’t introduced a new 12″ MBP, maybe my wish will be granted next month…

AppleInsider | Parallels preps major update to Windows virtualization software

(this is cross-posted on Digital-Motion, my new digital media blog, wish there was a nice way to do that automagically with wordpress)

AppleInsider | Parallels preps major update to Windows virtualization software

This is oh-so-very-cool. I have to run bootcamp on my mac book pro because I need to be using the full power of the GPU. This won’t completely obliviate that need, but it will mean that I won’t need to install XP twice on my little MBP so that I can pop into Outlook or IE if I need to without restarting. With the new version of Parallels, you can use your bootcamp partition as the root drive of your XP Parallels session. Also cool is that they’ll support other OSes nicely, which means you can drop a linux install on there too easily. This will be awesome for web designers because they won’t need to buy extra machines to validate stuff on. This may even get me back to installing some windows or liinux audio and video stuff again. There is a lot of freeware we mac folk miss out on.

I think this virtualization stuff is progressing exactly the way I want to see it. Next step is to find out how well the Macintels run Vista…

I wonder how long until either Apple or Microsoft buys Parallel Inc. The fact that they are located in Redmond probably speaks more to the fact that they are probably well staffed by former Microsofties than that they made their plan to be acquired at the beginning.

iTunes 7.0.1 is the buggiest piece of software I have ever used

and I worked at a Unix company in the days before testers, so that is saying something.

Usually, I take my time installing a major update. I waited until the 7.0.1 patch came out to iTunes which supposedly fixed most of the issues and for me, at first, it worked fine. What I’m finding, after a few weeks, is that it is becoming increasingly unstable. Like can’t run more than 10 minutes without crashing, as in, completely useless. As in, how fucking long do I have to wait for Apple to fix this P.O.S. now that they’ve captured my music collection? At least I wasn’t stupid enough to encode in a proprietary format so the biggest problem would be figuring out how to move my meta-data to some other music application (I love my metadata, hear that Steve Gillmor?)