Weird being at an avant-garde electronic music performance that fills the same hall that the London Symphony Orchestra. Good thing about big cultural cities
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 19, 2019
new tweet: October 19, 2019 at 04:56AM
That sinking feeling when you can't find your phone and you realize that it might have been on the bed whose sheets you just threw into the laundry (now in the dry cycle) followed by the unparalleled joy of finding it on the bathroom counter.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 19, 2019
new tweet: October 17, 2019 at 03:19PM
I understand that I am absolutely an outlier here. I've got 10TB of personal data that I am trying to back up. That said, to even suggest that this is a reasonable solution is beyond the pale. Why even bother?
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 17, 2019
new tweet: October 17, 2019 at 03:19PM
Spent over 3 years getting my backup on @crashplan, then they dropped personal accounts, switched to @backblaze. Spent 2 years uploading, finish, get a new computer, try to transfer. Nope, a bug in their system prevents. Their suggestion, restart the upload on the new machine.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 17, 2019
new tweet: October 15, 2019 at 11:57AM
Massive thanks to @siefi for giving a talk at @onfido today for our Hack Week.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 15, 2019
new tweet: October 14, 2019 at 10:44AM
When I was on high school you would hear classic rock (Beatles, Stones, The Who) in offices because it was inoffensive and people liked it. Now it is 80s music. Weird hearing "Warm Leatherette" and "Cherry Bomb" in a corporate office reception area…
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 14, 2019
new tweet: October 13, 2019 at 08:47AM
On a plane people who throw three bags in the overhead and nothing under the seat and then sit silently as others struggle to find a place for their overhead bags are garbage people.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 13, 2019
new tweet: October 12, 2019 at 03:23PM
Technology hiring managers: how many of you actually care about certifications?
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 12, 2019
new tweet: October 12, 2019 at 02:14PM
Posted on Instagram:Lisbon
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) October 12, 2019
new tweet: October 08, 2019 at 08:06AM
Posted on Instagram:Onfido hackathon!
— Kevin Goldsmith @ IIW (@KevinGoldsmith) October 8, 2019