The final nail in the coffin of privatization around Social Security?

And Now, a Word From Chile … – New York Times

The shining example of privatized social security is encountering serious problems taking care of their elderly who don’t have enough to live on. Now, hopefully it is obvious that the idea of privatization of social security was, at best, a well mannered (but poorly planned) desire to reduce government spending (and taxes) and, at worst, a cynical attempt to enrich the few on the backs of the many with no regard to the welfare of the most vulnerable in society.

If the debacles around medicare haven’t killed the privatization monster, hopefully this will (although, I kinda doubt it, the right always believes that they know better than anyone else).

When does video resolution make a difference?

[via The New York Times]

1080p Does Matter – Here’s When (Screen Size vs. Viewing Distance vs. Resolution)

This is a nice, simple, explanation of how the interaction of screen resolution, screen size and viewing distance all come together around the perceived quality of the TV image. The practical upshot is that maybe you don’t need the full 1080p unless you want to move your chair up to a couple feet from your TV (which just happens to be how you’ll see the set in the showroom).

Dr. Dobb’s | Microsoft Seeks RSS Patents; Blogosphere Worries

Dr. Dobb’s | Microsoft Seeks RSS Patents; Blogosphere Worries | December 22, 2006

This isn’t really so surprising actually. I was at the Gnomedex where MS announced the big RSS features in Vista (didn’t really hear to much about them after that). It makes sense that they would file some patents around that stuff. However, the patents seem pretty broad given how late they came to the RSS game.

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Regarding our iPhone

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Regarding our iPhone

This is a quite funny sendup of the Apple product design process, except for the part where different parts of Apple actually talk to each other. When the different actual product groups meet, they probably have to be on different sides of an opaque screen with voice modulators going or something…