Attn @upperleftcorner
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 22, 2019
new tweet: August 22, 2019 at 02:19PM
For those interested, the slides from my talk at #abstractionsconf are here:
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 22, 2019
new tweet: August 22, 2019 at 01:18PM
Awesome talk from @MaggieFero at #abstractionscon about all the ways you can unintentionally leak material information from your company. Very useful.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 22, 2019
new tweet: August 22, 2019 at 12:35PM
.@lara_hogan has her post-talk pastries, at @abstractionscon, I have post-talk Centipede
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 22, 2019
new tweet: August 22, 2019 at 10:51AM
My new current trick when signing up for a new account is to use a +<name> suffix so I can track who is sharing/selling my email. Except that I have found several sites that let me create the account with that address, but then can't handle it for log in…
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 22, 2019
new tweet: August 21, 2019 at 08:48AM
Watching a funny and informative talk from @siefi. Passwordless authentication + Elixir! #abstractionscon
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 21, 2019
new tweet: August 21, 2019 at 06:13AM
new tweet: August 20, 2019 at 07:40PM
Learned so much from working with Gavin Miller. One of Adobe's secret weapons, and a lovely person. Nice to hear him talking about what Adobe Research is doing these days.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 21, 2019
new tweet: August 20, 2019 at 05:16PM
So excited to be back in Pittsburgh! Looking forward to a Primanti Bros sandwich and the @codeandsupply Abstractions conference tomorrow.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 21, 2019
new tweet: August 19, 2019 at 03:56PM
Paid for my UK TV license. I don't really need it, but consider it a thank you for a lifetime of BBC programming I watched on PBS.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) August 19, 2019