Posted on Instagram:
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 9, 2019
new tweet: September 08, 2019 at 10:50AM
you'll hear someone waxing poetically how their very first computer was the 16" MBP and then talking about how old they are. And you'll think about how you were already 10 years into your career at that point, and wonder what must they think of you.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 8, 2019
new tweet: September 08, 2019 at 10:50AM
The beauty of our industry is that it is still growing. That means that even as each of us age, the average age of folks doing our jobs doesn't go up that much. Which means some day in the not too distant future…
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 8, 2019
new tweet: September 08, 2019 at 10:50AM
replace the word "experienced" with "less white" and see how that sounds in your head.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 8, 2019
new tweet: September 08, 2019 at 10:50AM
If you dismiss resumes from people with more experience than yourself because you think they aren't up on the technology, are too set in their ways, or you haven't ever managed someone with more experience than yourself…
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 8, 2019
new tweet: September 08, 2019 at 10:50AM
If you want to say "I've been coding since before all of you are born," remember that there are people out there still working who were coding before you were born. And if you are under 40, you just sound ignorant.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 8, 2019
new tweet: September 08, 2019 at 10:50AM
If you are tempted to call yourself out as "old", remember that there are plenty of people in the audience who are older than you, and you are effectively calling them old as well. Especially if you make a point of saying how you still "got it" even though you are old.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 8, 2019
new tweet: September 08, 2019 at 10:50AM
I think it is awesome that the technology industry is beginning to understand how it is riddled with systemic racism and misogyny and is starting to call it out. Based on the casual ageism I see in blogs or hear from conference stages or podcasts, we still have a long way to go.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 8, 2019
new tweet: September 07, 2019 at 03:47PM
the minute @Microsoft bought @Wunderlist, I switched to @todoist. I loved Wunderlist, but I knew that it's days would be numbered. Sadly almost always the fate when product gets acquired.
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 7, 2019
new tweet: September 07, 2019 at 04:51AM
And yes, I know that buying a cable made by Apple at an Apple store are both dumb ideas. I was just walking by and realized, "oh right, I need a cable. I will just pop in and get one." 20 minutes later I staggered out…
— Kevin Goldsmith (@KevinGoldsmith) September 7, 2019