tweet: Only think I miss right now is auto-complete for h… Only think I miss right now is auto-complete for html, css and JS. Any suggestions twitterverse?
@KevinGoldsmith I think @Brackets is working on it, but I haven’t done enough web work lately to evaluate it.
@KevinGoldsmith how are you not using @edge_code or @brackets?! It sounds like exactly what you need.
@hummelstrand @kevingoldsmith That’s right! HTML5/CSS3 support is built in, but you can add/extend/customize your autocompletes, too.
@KevinGoldsmith I think @Brackets is working on it, but I haven’t done enough web work lately to evaluate it.
@KevinGoldsmith visual studio 2013
@KevinGoldsmith If you upgrade to BBEdit I think you’ll get auto-complete.
@KevinGoldsmith how are you not using @edge_code or @brackets?! It sounds like exactly what you need.
@KevinGoldsmith Sublime has autocomplete for a number of languages.
@hummelstrand @kevingoldsmith That’s right! HTML5/CSS3 support is built in, but you can add/extend/customize your autocompletes, too.